Alcoholism is the inability to control or ignore a strong craving for alcohol. People with alcoholism often find that they need help with alcohol to feel good or normal. Often, addicted to alcohol, but this desire is much stronger than people have occasional desire for certain foods. The demand for alcohol by the suffering experienced by alcoholism is so strong that the individual feels they need alcohol, as it has food and water. They do not feel they canspend a day or consume in some extreme Cases, one hour without alcohol.
Alcoholism is not the type of alcohol consumed, or how much alcohol is needed to satisfy the addiction characterized. Alcoholism is mainly due to loss of control. Alcoholics often build a tolerance to alcohol over time. That is, they need more and more alcohol in order to satisfy their need for it. As they consume more alcohol, apparently serious health problems themselves. Alcoholismthe patient is psychologically and physically.
Alcoholism is different from alcohol abuse, a person who abuses alcohol does not appear in a loss of control over their alcohol consumption. A person acting irresponsibly abuse alcohol, while under the influence. You can also define themselves and others in danger to drive or operate machinery while drinking. Relationships can suffer, such as alcoholism can be carefree and work. Although alcohol abuse is differentalcoholism may be a serious problem and should not be ignored.
There are many symptoms of alcoholism. Many of the symptoms of alcohol abuse are also those who suffer from alcoholism appears. Some symptoms are alone or drinking secretly (hiding the fact that drinking), loss of memory (also known as "blackening" known), the ritual consumption at certain times during the day and are annoyed when this ritual is disturbed, the feeling need to drink, the normal loss of feelingInterest in relationships or activities that were once enjoyed, created with the financial status, marital or legal problems due to drinking, building a tolerance to alcohol, or experience withdrawal symptoms when alcohol is unavailable. These symptoms are just some of the possible symptoms that could be found in alcoholics.
Studies show that some people tend to alcoholism at some point in his life as a different experience. For example, genetics plays a roleif a person is likely to be attracted to alcohol. Often, children of alcoholics have a higher risk of one day becoming an alcoholic. Psychological problems also increase the risk for alcoholism. People with depression, attention deficit disorder, bipolar disorder, and many other mental illnesses often resort to alcohol to feel better, or simply their suffering. This often turns into an addiction.
There are many health problems,caused by alcoholism. Alcoholism affects the central nervous system. Over time, alcohol can cause paralysis, fatigue of muscles around the eyes and loss of short-term memory. Other more serious health problems caused by alcoholism, are liver cirrhosis, hypertension, heart failure, stroke, gastrointestinal problems, neurological disorders, sexual dysfunction and bone loss. Alcoholism also increases the risk of certain cancers such as cancerEsophagus, liver, larynx and colon. If left untreated, alcoholism can lead to death.
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